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Summer Blend In Depth

Each of our teas begins with a base of our handpicked Silver Needle white tea, which is then infused with the traditional Scandinavian flavors. This blend is also blended with vanilla to give it a complex flavor profile.

The Summer Blend utilizes several ingredients that can be found in Sweden during the summer months. The native Scandinavian ingredients in this particular blend include; strawberries, elderflowers, rose petals, and blueberries. Each of these ingredients is hand picked in Sweden and dried or dehydrated. The Summer Blend showcases the sweet and floral flavors of a Swedish summer.



Strawberry season begins in Sweden around the end of May, and ends sometime in August. Fresh strawberries are an essential part of the Swedish summer. Stands are set up alongside the roads throughout southern Sweden selling these freshly picked berries. A Swedish strawberry is typically smaller and sweeter than Strawberries you may get from farm in California.

Strawberries contain an impressive amount of antioxidants as well as other vitamins and nutrients, including fiber, potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin C. These delicious berries are also known to reduce inflammation and be metabolism boosting.


Elderflowers grow natively in many places around the world, but they mostly grow in the northern hemisphere. There are several different species of Elderflower, many of which can be toxic, meaning caution should be applied when picking Elderflowers for consumption purposes. Elderflower are harvested in the summer at peak flavor, when the flowers are a cream color, before they turn to a brighter white color. Many traditional Swedish recipes utilize syrups and liqueurs flavored from parts of the Elderflower plant.

The Elderflower is known to have several health benefits, including having anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

Rose Petals

For our summer blend of tea we use three different types of roses, each with similar flavors and health benefits. Fresh and dried roses have a sweet floral scent and flavor that are perfect to promote relaxation. Rose petals are used in all kinds of aromatherapy, teas, foods, and beauty products.

Rose petals contain many antioxidants, making it great for soothing sore throats and purify the body and skin. The antibacterial nature of rose petals make them useful for treating acne and reducing redness.


Our blueberries are handpicked from wild patches found within the forests of southern Sweden. Blueberries from Sweden are an entirely different species from the blueberries native to North America, yet they have similar taste and appearances. Swedish blueberries (also known as Bilberries) are slightly smaller and more tart than North American blueberries, and have darker flesh and juices on the inside. Traditional Scandinavian cuisine uses blueberries to create jams, soups, wines, and teas.

These little berries are loaded with benefits to skincare, vision, UTI protection, and overall health. Large quantities of antioxidants promote healthier looking skin by inducing collagen production as well as reducing acne with its anti-inflammatory properties. Blueberries contain the bioflavonoid Epicatechin which is known to protect the lining of the bladder from bacteria and help prevent infection.


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